Finding Child Care
Finding Child Care can be Stressful
Finding child care can be stressful for parents – knowing what to ask, what to look for, who to trust, and how to compare options can feel overwhelming.
Employer Quick Wins
Referrals to Care about Childcare agencies
Care about Childcare agencies have staff specialists who help families find child care and work with providers to become licensed and to offer high-quality child care. Families can conduct an online search or reach out to their local Care about Childcare agency.
Post Signs & Flyers
Post signs or flyers with links to Care about Childcare agencies, the Utah Child Care Quality System, and the Child Care Checklist in places where employees regularly gather such as the copy machine or the lunch room.
Reduce Parent Stress
Do families need help finding child care for a child with special needs? Do they need child care during non-traditional hours (like evenings or weekends)? Are parents looking for center-based care, home-based care or, an after-school program? Care about Childcare agencies can help. They know all the options. They can work with families to help parents make informed decisions. Calling toll free: 1-855-531-2468 makes it easy!
Assist New Hires
If your business has a new hire packet, include a flyer to assist new employees in finding child care. If your business has families who are relocating, you can work with the Care for Childcare agencies to offer employees assistance in finding child care. Moving can be stressful enough, let Care for Childcare staff help your employees to find child care that best meets their needs.